Single Life with Dr. G - Dating Over 40
Single Life with Dr. G - Dating Over 40
The Urban Bachelor Show
The Urban Bachelor Show is presented on the Single Life Podcast. Join us as the panel of four handsome and eligible bachelors, Armani, Stephan, Terence, and Zeke, answer the burning questions that ladies want to know. This conversation will blow your mind as you hear what men really want and think. You don’t want to miss this episode. A list of questions they answered include:
· Why are you single?
· What are the qualities you are looking for in a woman?
· What are your top 2 “must haves” both physical and characteristics to be attracted to a woman?
· Have you ever let the “one” get away?
· How do you know when you found the one?
· Why is it hard for men to be transparent and honest when getting to know a woman?
· Should men disclose he is taking meds and suffer from ED?
· Are men insecure if women make more money?
· Would you date older women?
· On the scale of 1 – 10, how ready are you for a committed relationship?
· Describe your ideal date.